Tuesday, February 10, 2015

variant, gene information from biomart R

# install
#load & attach package
#Mart list.
SNP <- useMart("snp", "hsapiens_snp")
ensembl = useMart("ensembl",dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")

Using ensembl, and snp database, you can get many information using biomart such as variant, gene, transcript.. etc.

1. snp database information using rsid of variant

attributes.snp <- c("refsnp_id","chr_name","allele", "chrom_start", "chrom_end", "chrom_strand","sift_score","polyphen_score","minor_allele","minor_allele_freq","ensembl_gene_stable_id","ensembl_transcript_stable_id", "consequence_allele_string","consequence_type_tv","ensembl_type")

rs = "rs115940994";
List <- getBM(attributes = attributes.snp, filters="snp_filter", values = rs, mart = SNP)

There are Chr, position, allel, SIFT score, Polyphen, MAF, ENSG, ENST,, AA change, variant type(consequence type) etc.. informations.


There are features that is important in my thought. but also you can get another information attributes using this command.

SNP <- useMart("snp", "hsapiens_snp")

2. ensembl database information using ENSG

ensembl_gene <- c("ENSG00000204406")
mart<- useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl", ensembl)
List = getBM(filters= "ensembl_gene_id", attributes, values=ensembl_gene, mart= mart)

I think the below attribute lists is important.
"ensembl_gene_id" "hgnc_symbol" "ensembl_transcript_id" "ensembl_peptide_id" "refseq_peptide" "uniprot_swissprot" "description" "go_id" "phenotype_description"

but you can get more informations using this command
# ensembl = useMart("ensembl",dataset="hsapiens_gene_ensembl")

Saturday, February 7, 2015

seoul national university graduate school tuition

I'm graduate student in seoul national university graduate school.

The above figure is graduate school tuition in 2013.

My major is in Natural sciences, so I upload my tuition paper.

With Entrance fee and tuition fee, my tuition is 3,998,000 won.
366.72 US dolllars.

Seoul National University Kwanjeong Library - second Central Library

It's the southern building used as reading room.
Green carpet, and tables look good
Really spacious and comfortable.

It's the passage between northern and southern building in 5 floor.

The computer lab of the 6 floor.
There will be scanners and copiers.

Wonderful ceiling and ponds.
When you tired at studing, just take a rest.
You feel better.

Really large and spacious reading room.
It looks like a movie scene of matrix

Wood chair? I don't know usage of that.

In 7 floor, the concept of bookcase is 'The Nobel Prize for Literature collection'.
Each bookcase was displayed by concept and theme.

Cubicle desk(?), roughly 30 there are. If you want to use, you need to book this room at online snu-library site or information dsek.

8 floor reading room. really large.

At the top of the bookcase, there are hardcover foregin books.
Not that much demand.

Light stnad(?) in 8 floor reading room

Toilets. Clean~

Multimedia classrooms on the first floor.

The screen is showing the booking status in real time.

You can take a rest and take a nap here.

The seminar room.
The wall seems to be easy to write and erase using a board marker (?).

It's the rooftop terrace linking a old library.

4 floors also 40 seminar rooms there are.
There's no possibility that I can't get a seminar due to the lack of that.

I don't know why, but the screen is showing a exchange rate with a booking status.


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Namdaemun Market Travel Review

It's Seoul's main entrance, the state's No. 1 national treasure Namdaemun.
It was made in 1396, south direction.

It's the biggest door in Korea.

Namdaemun (South Gate), a place right next to Namdaemun Market immediately.

Namdaemun Market is a land area of 20,000 467㎡,
building floor area of 60,000 in 4613㎡

The number of employees 9900 people in the biggest market in Seoul.

The number of Store is 5,400 ranging from modern department store
to Market stalls also heard closely. 

Sector also covers everything including fruits and vegetables, food,
 clothing and haberdashery.

Formerly, it covered mainly agricultural products,
but now clothing store.

Besides, there are also agricultural products and livestock products, craft shops, accessory shops specializing in the market.

It is Mainly dealing with imported goods in approximately 600 stores.

Namdaemun market, dealing with almost all commercial products nationwide,
especially is supplying about half of the country for the ready-to-wear garments.
It became the nation's largest wholesale clothing.

/Therefore, Namdaemun market is sensitive to economic fluctuations.
The market is the face of Korea economy, which represents the flow of the real economy, and regarded as one of the major tourist attractions of the city.

Namdaemun Market is the good place for foreigners to tour, because there are good access and many popular places.

The store only sells laver, Korea pronunciation 'kim'(?)

This store sells mainly herbal medicines(drugs) such as ginseng, bellflower.. etc..
The words is chinese. It may be for Chinses.

This store is mainly about K-pop stars.
Such as RAIN, IU, Girls' generation, SUZY..

My favorite singer is YOONA.
She's really beautiful~!


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

secureboot isn't configured correctly windows 8.1, update

Do you have this problem?
SecureBoot isn't configured correctly.

There are many ways to remove this error,
but that is hard to do such as BIOS configureation.. CMOS setting.. and system controls...

I don't understand what they do.

so! I'm showing you very easy way to solve this problem.

just download window updates and install!

Just install!!

The problem was completed.
